6 Aug 2012

Antique Therapy

Today I managed to steal an hour to browse the New Farm Antique Centre. It's located at 85 Commercial Rd New Farm and is a collective store filled with 53 different dealers mini stores. 

Burlap Cushions
It was a treasure trove of gorgeous vintage and antique finds, but as usual I was drawn to the Burlap items.

I found the some sweet cushions in varying shapes made from Burlap Sacks.

And I also found the coolest Milk Crate stools. A simple milk crate with a cushion topper and then a Burlap Cover. How economical and effective. I can definitely see some of these around the courtyard with a lowest coffee table. Perfect for the kids, and washable!
Crate Stool with Burlap Cover
There was also a stool version which had two milk crates then the cushion topper and longer cover - so simple and yet so genius!

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